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Ed Coan Deadlift Programme

Ed Coan is widely regarded as one of the best powerlifters of all time with 71 records in powerlifting including being the lightest person to break the 2400lb barrier and setting an all time powerlifting record without even competing in the open class. 

What we’re going to discuss in this article however, is the Ed Coan deadlift programme, put together specifically for Mark Phillipi, which added 35lbs to his deadlift after finishing the 10 week programme.

So here, we’ll break down the programme, how to structure it and give you a calculator to use for your own running of the programme!

But first, you can find the ed coan deadlift programme calculator here

Programme Overview

The deadlift routine works for a period of 10 weeks, with a focus on heavy top set work and a focus on speed and acceleration for back off sets along with accessory work. 

The structure of the top set and speed work of the programme can work for other lifts too!

Some of the lift %s in later weeks may seem very unachievable, however, this isn’t meant to be easy! The accessories are also gruelling but again the programme can be run with tweaks to the volume and accessory work. 

For instance. I ran a Powerbuilding block utilising the top set and speed work format across all 3 major lifts, but then limited to 3×3 for the back offs and doing my normal bodybuilding work as my accessories and still got very similar results!

Deadlifts are only done once a week here, with percentages taken from your desired 1RM, generally 20-40lbs above your current 1RM lift. 

It is key to ensure you complete normal warm up sets before starting the programmed sets.


The deadlift sets

Ed Coan’s Deadlift Program

Week Work Sets Speed Sets
1 (75%) x 2 reps (60%) 8 sets x 3 reps (90 sec rest b/w sets)
2 (80%) x 2 reps (65%) 8 sets x 3 reps (90 sec rest b/w sets)
3 (85%) x 2 reps (70%) 6 sets x 3 reps (90-120 sec rest b/w sets)
4 (90%) x 2 reps (75%) 5 sets x 3 reps (90-120 sec rest b/w sets)
5 (80%) 3 sets x 3 reps (65%) 3 sets x 3 reps (120 sec rest b/w sets)
6 (85%) x 2 reps (70%) 3 sets x 3 reps (120 sec rest b/w sets)
7 (90%) x 2 reps (75%) 3 sets x 3 reps (120 sec rest b/w sets)
8 (95%) x 2 reps (70%) 3 sets x 3 reps (120 sec rest b/w sets)
9 (97.5%) x 1 rep (70%) 2 sets x 3 reps (Rest as needed)
10 (100%) x 1 rep (60%) 2 sets x 3 reps (Rest as needed)


Assistance Exercises

Weeks 1- 4

In this programme, 4 exercises are completed in a circuit format resting 90 seconds between each exercise, not as a superset or giant set and repeating the circuit 3 times with 2-3 minutes between the end of each circuit. 

Exercise Reps Rest Period
Stiff Leg Deadlifts 8 90 seconds
Bent Over Rows 8 90 seconds
Underhand Grip Lat Pulldowns 8 90 seconds
Arched Back Good Mornings 8 2-3 minutes


Week 5

5 exercises are now performed as in the table below, not as a circuit. Wait 90-120 seconds between assistance exercises. 

Exercise Sets x Reps Rest Period
Power Shrugs (60%) of Original Deadlift Max 3×5
Stiff Leg Deadlifts 3×5 90-120 seconds
Bent Over Rows 3×5 90-120 seconds
Underhand Grip Lat Pulldowns 3×5 90-120 seconds
Good Mornings 3×5 90-120 seconds


Week 6

Exactly the same as week 5, just with a higher % weight for Power Shrugs.

Exercise Sets x Reps Rest Period
Power Shrugs (65%) of Original Deadlift Max 3×5
Stiff Leg Deadlifts 3×5 90-120 seconds
Bent Over Rows 3×5 90-120 seconds
Underhand Grip Lat Pulldowns 3×5 90-120 seconds
Good Mornings 3×5 90-120 seconds


Weeks 7-8 

Set volume decreases here, but do not circuit again, we’re doing the same as weeks 5-6 with less volume but slightly higher weight in week 7 it’s 70% for power shrugs and week 8, 75% of original deadlift for power shrugs. 

Exercise Sets x Reps Rest Period
Power Shrugs Week 7 (70%) of Original Deadlift Max 2×5 
Stiff Leg Deadlifts 2×5 90-120 seconds
Bent Over Rows 2×5 90-120 seconds
Underhand Grip Lat Pulldowns 2×5 90-120 seconds
Good Mornings 2×5 90-120 seconds


Week 9 

Week 9 comprises just power shrugs and stiff leg exercises, no circuit, and as prescribed in the table below. 

Exercise Sets x Reps Rest Period
Power Shrugs (75%) of Original Deadlift Max 2×5
Stiff Leg Deadlifts 2×5 90-120 seconds


In week 10 there are no accessory exercises scheduled!

Ed Coan Deadlift Programme Calculator

In this google sheet you’ll find the full deadlift programme, just enter your desired 1RM and it’ll work out the percentages for you. Just make a copy and you’re good to go!

Good luck with this programme! It really is super challenging, let us know what you think of it too and what other topics you’d like us to cover.

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